Who are RingToys

RingToys GmbH was formed in 2018 by two friends Richard Jordan and Anthony Jenking, having previously built a successful spares and repairs business at the Ring (RingSpares). Anthony and Richard met at Nurburgring over 10 years ago and realised they shared a passion for the track and surrounding area.

Now they are in a position to bring their knowledge and experience to offer rental opportunities to the market. The aim being for RingToys to offer outstanding value and the biggest grin factor for the outlay.

So… fast forward to 2020 and here we are. We looking forward to sharing our experiences and knowledge with you. If you have any questions, queries or comments, please get in touch - we want to continuously improve our business and feedback is invaluable.

Richard Jordan Bio

I decided to leave the UK around 6 years ago personally to follow a life long dream. So, in 2014, I left my home country behind and moved to Germany and the Nürburgring.

In 2015 I started to work with a car rental company, learning what it was to be like on the front line of making peoples’ dreams come true.
Then In 2017 I left the car rental game behind me and started a company of my own RingSpares with a long-time friend from the UK who I had met in Germany.

RingSpares has been operational from this time and growing every week. Here we offer workshop services helping service, maintain and build track cars for many customers from around the world.

As the business was growing I realised that I was missing the fun I had interacting with customers renting cars to experience the track. So, working with Anthony and a number of local specialists, we began to prepare and test some cars that we thought would make entertaining and unique rental experiences in the future.

Well the future is here and these cars are ready for all of you to enjoy. Don’t just take my word for it, come and try them for yourselves. I look forward to meeting you soon!